The Family Knife is now Kelford Inc.

The Family Knife is now Kelford Inc.

For the past five and a half years we've been The Family Knife.

But we've also been something else.

It's something one of our favourite clients told us this summer:

"You're not The Family Knife," she said, temporarily breaking our hearts.

"You're Joel and Leah. That's who we love working with."

Our clients told us over and over as we did our customer research this past summer that what makes us different is who we are.

And who we are is what we do. We live marketing, because we love it.

Which means we can help our clients, who are busy living and loving the rest of their business, how to like their marketing enough to do it, do it well, and, eventually, maybe even love it too.

So who are we? Joel Kelly and Leah Sanford. Or, to our friends and family, we've always been the Kelfords.

And now, we're Kelford Inc.

What do we do? We help entrepreneurs know what they want for their business, get what they want efficiently and joyfully, and grow what they want sustainably by applying the art and science of demonstrating value at a distance.

Because that's all marketing really is.

That's who we are.

It's everything we do.

And here, at Kelford Labs, we're peeling back the curtain on how we develop our  models and our practice for our clients.

We're going to show you firsthand what it means to demonstrate value at a distance.

Welcome to Kelford Labs.