Daily Lab: Influence connects

Because the job isn’t over when we’ve made the sale—a new job is just beginning.

Daily Lab: Influence connects

A customer making a purchase isn’t at the end of their relationship with that company.

Even if they never buy again, in some way they’re “connected” to that business.

Displaying the product in their house says something to the people who visit about their preferences. Driving a particular vehicle says something about a person’s priorities. Working with a particular service business says something about how that person perceives value.

I’m not saying everyone’s a super fan—most people care as little as possible—only that when we do things publicly, other people notice, and there’s a part of our brain that notices that.

So, to at least some extent, people want to work with companies they think will be around for a while longer and will keep doing good work, because they want to be the type of person who works with those kinds of businesses.

After a purchase, it’s our job to focus on the customers who experienced the greatest influence—positive change, benefit, savings, etc.—in their lives or business because of our work.

They’re the ones that want to stay connected to us, that are happy to tell the world about the value they experienced from us.

Because the job isn’t over when we’ve made the sale—a new job is just beginning:

Creating new value for our very best customers, by focusing on our relationships of greatest influence.

Because it’s the relationships we earn with our very best customers because of our influence on them that causes them to influence others.

That’s how marketing works, and gets less expensive over time, not more.

Because your best customers are doing your marketing for you.

Not because you solved a need. But because you gave them exactly what they want.

And that’s how you demonstrate value at a distance.