Daily Lab: What your strategy is missing

Boundaries do not confine us, they keep us on track.

Daily Lab: What your strategy is missing

Strategy is all about structure. And structure is all about constraint.

Constraint, as a word, though, feels so harsh. So limiting.

But think of it this way: The lattice a vine climbs both allows it to grow and constrains its movement.

You can move the lattice, you can rebuild it somewhere else, but without it the vine has nothing to attach to, nothing to hold on to, no avenues for growth.

Constraints—boundaries—do not confine us, they keep us on track.

And that’s what most strategies are missing: The boundaries to ensure we do not drift into overexertion, expand our target, or change our minds on a whim.

Unlimited flexibility means unlimited options, which means unlimited decisions.

Which means constant, chaotic change.

If, after some time, you’ve determined you’ve outgrown your structure or it’s no longer helping, you can adjust or remove it and grow in new directions.

But without structure to begin with, you’ll never grow very far at all.

So what boundaries does your strategy need to keep you on track?

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