Daily Lab: Sales, marketing, or branding?
What’s the difference?

Here’s how I think about the distinctions between sales, marketing, and branding.
Sales is demonstrating value in the moment. Think: classic door-to-door sales or hard-selling product pages. They’re all about demonstrating value right here and right now.
Marketing is demonstrating value at a distance. Think: a classic advertisement in an old magazine or an expertise-focused blog. They’re all about demonstrating value when you’re at a distance in space or time from actually experiencing the product or service.
Branding is demonstrating your values at all times. Think: a visual identity that elicits a specific feeling, or a holiday-focused ad campaign that makes you smile. They’re all about demonstrating the values of the company so you associate it with your own personal values.
These are fuzzy borders, of course. And this is all part of a greater system of value exchange with customers.
But when you’re wondering if you need help with sales, marketing, or branding, ask yourself:
Do I need help demonstrating my value in the moment and closing the deal? (Sales)
Do I need help demonstrating value at a distance and getting more people one step closer to a purchase? (Marketing)
Or do I need help demonstrating my values at all times so my best customers associate me with their best feelings? (Branding)
Once you know that, you’ll know what you need to do next.