Daily Lab: The costs we don’t count
Every sale has a cost

Even if we’re not doing marketing, our sales still have a cost.
Discounting or underbidding is a cost.
Writing a long proposal is a cost.
Responding to an RFP is a cost.
Negotiating back and forth is a cost.
Changing the scope is a cost.
Changing the price is a cost.
We don’t always remember to count these costs—but these costs count. They eat into our margin, our time, and our enthusiasm to do great work.
And we can avoid all of them by marketing—by demonstrating our value at a distance.
You don’t need to underbid when what you offer is truly unique.
You don’t need long proposals when you can articulate your offering in a single conversation.
You don’t need to respond to RFPs when your reputation precedes you.
You don’t need to negotiate when your clients value you.
You don’t need to change the scope when your offering is precise and clear.
And you don’t need to change the price when, for the client, you’re not a cost.
You’re an investment that returns value.
It starts by making sure you know your true value, and how your best clients perceive it.
And then, over time, your sales costs plummet.
Because you’re demonstrating your value—not in the moment, when it’s expensive—but at a distance.
Where it counts.