Daily Lab: Uncertainty vanishes.
The anxiety that comes with the uncertainty of marketing isn’t a requirement to do great work.

The anxiety that comes from the uncertainty of marketing isn’t a requirement to do great work.
The future is uncertain, that’s true, but how we’ll handle the future needn’t be.
With a clear marketing goal, a clear desire for your business, and a clear direction toward which you’re heading—flexibly, carefully, sustainably—when the world, industry, or context change, you simply adapt. You don’t panic.
Not because you know what happens next.
But because you know what you want. And what it’ll take to get it.
One step at a time, each in the right direction for the current circumstances, without losing sight of the larger objective.
When you understand your value, and who values it most, you’re that much closer to demonstrating that value at a distance. Which is the very essence of marketing.
When you know what you want and what it'll take to get it, it isn’t that you simply cope with uncertainty better.
It’s that the feeling of uncertainty vanishes.
Read more about working with uncertainty.