Daily Lab: What do you want?
That’s the only hard question.

That’s the only hard question.
Not, “what do I do?” Or, “what should my strategy be?” Or, “how much should I spend on marketing?”
No, the important question is, “what do I actually want?”
Because strategy is the structure to work efficiently to get you what you want. You’re going to end up somewhere—make sure it’s where you actually want to go.
Beginning a marketing strategy, project, or campaign without knowing, really and truly and deeply, what it is you want for your business is bound to end in disappointment.
Because no matter where you end up, it won’t be where you wanted to be.
So the first step in getting where you want to go is knowing where that is.
And any step taken before that is a step in the wrong direction.
Read more about picking a direction you believe in.