Don’t outsource your thinking — Kelford Labs Daily

You’ll never get it back.

Don’t outsource your thinking — Kelford Labs Daily

Writing is a way of thinking.

It’s not just recording thoughts, it’s forming them.

Which means, if you have someone else write all your marketing content, you’re having someone else do all your marketing thinking.

Now, let’s be super duper clear: You should hire someone to help with your marketing content.

(Ideally, you’ll hire us.)

But whoever you work with, it’s so incredibly vital that they show you their process, their method, and they teach you how to run with these skills and improve over time.

Because the way you describe your work will change how you deliver it.

So, yes, we’ll write your blog post for you—but we’ll insist on teaching you our methods.

We’ll write your announcement post for LinkedIn—but we’ll show you how to write the follow-up.

We’ll write the catchy tagline for your homepage—but we’ll ask you to edit and improve it as you get feedback and data.

By all means, outsource some of your writing.

But don’t outsource your thinking.

You’ll never get it back.

Kelford Inc. shows you the way to always knowing what to say. Finely crafted marketing messages for hands-on entrepreneurs.