Focus on who it’s for — Kelford Labs Daily

Not what other people think.

Focus on who it’s for — Kelford Labs Daily

“Don’t worry about what other people think.”

Here’s the craziest and hardest thing about marketing:

Everybody tells you not to worry what other people think about you.

But marketing is all about what other people think about you.

No, it’s worse than that, you have to think about whether other people value you.

Which, let’s face it, can be pretty brutal sometimes. You want to put yourself and your business out there, but you know somebody out there won’t like it.

So, how do you do marketing without driving yourself into an anxiety spiral?

You remember who you’re doing this for.

You’re not promoting your business so you can get broadly famous, or so you can get the attention and adoration of a faceless crowd. You’re not doing it for the Likes.

No, you’re doing this so you can help the people who need what you provide.

The people who want to hear from you.

So, here’s the thing: There’s no getting around the fact that marketing means caring what other people think about you.

The real move is changing who you care about mattering to. Who you want to focus on.

Who you want to help.

Focus on what those people think about you, and how you can best demonstrate your value to them.

And don’t worry what other people think.

Kelford Inc. shows you the way to always knowing what to say. Finely crafted marketing messages for hands-on entrepreneurs.