Give away some secrets — Kelford Labs Daily

So prospects know you have them.

Give away some secrets — Kelford Labs Daily
“You can’t become known for your ideas if other people don’t know what they are.”

— Dorie Clark, The Long Game

If we want to be seen as credible, as a true expert in our field, we’ve got to give away some of our secrets.

Because, for our clients to believe we have valuable insights to offer, we have to offer some of those insights.

We have to give them a taste of what it’s like to work with us.

The easiest way to do that is by demonstrating our expertise through content.

That doesn’t have to be a blog, or a newsletter, or even a video series. It can be as simple as having internal, explanatory pages on your website that give your prospect something to read, think about, and remember.

Because if we’re asking them to land on our homepage, read a pithy headline, and then sign up for our services, we’re kidding ourselves.

We need a “middle step,” something for a prospect to do before they’re ready to buy.

Something that can help them become comfortable enough to purchase, because we’ve proven we have the credibility and expertise they’re looking for.

So ask yourself this:

If a perfect prospect landed on my website today, but they weren’t quite ready to buy, do I have sufficient content to keep them engaged and educated?

Or am I expecting them to buy based on a single exposure to my brand?

Because if we’re expecting that, we can expect to lose that prospect.

To someone who does have content for them to consume and consider.

Kelford Inc. shows entrepreneurs the way to always knowing what to say.