Marketing’s frustrating? Change these things — Kelford Labs Daily

How to make marketing work.

Marketing’s frustrating? Change these things — Kelford Labs Daily

It’s been a week since I started implementing my new LinkedIn content strategy and I’m pretty happy with the results so far:

But why am I updating you on this? Chances are, if you’ve been active on LinkedIn consistently, you have far better results than I do, so I don’t say this to show off.

I’m just saying it to remind you that, no matter how frustrated we can become about a particular marketing channel or effort, the answer isn’t to simply give up.

As much as we might want to.

No, the answer is to identify three things:

1) What can work

2) What we can do

3) What we already like

First, understand what the customer, platform, or channel responds to most. Identify the patterns and construct a model for what “quality” looks like in that particular medium. For LinkedIn, I recognized that selfies, personal revelations, and informal language “work” best.

Next, figure out what you can do and keep doing for the long-term. It’s not about making one big push and then coasting from there. It’s little efforts, every single day. For me, I realized that taking photos in my office, drawing on my large book collection, and pairing with a quick anecdote is sustainable, fairly easy, and surprisingly fun.

Speaking of fun, finally, you’ve got to figure out what you actually like. If you hate it, you’ll eventually give up, slack off, or burn out. But if you can find a way of enjoying it, you’re more likely to stick with it and keep improving. I can’t keep doing the same content I did last week—I’ve got to keep switching it up and having new ideas. But because I’m enjoying the process, I’m more motivated to do it.

Look, nobody cares—nor should they—about a few extra Likes on LinkedIn. What matters is finding a way to make marketing work for you.

By first identifying what “working” actually means, for any given medium. Then, by figuring out what you can do every day. And, finally, how you can do it in a way that’s actually fun.

That works for LinkedIn—and it works for everything else, too.

Kelford Inc. helps hands-on entrepreneurs and founders with complex marketing challenges define and articulate their unique value to their very best customers.

We’ll show you the way to always knowing what to say.