Not this, but something — Kelford Labs Daily

A daily practice.

Not this, but something — Kelford Labs Daily

There’s a weird human tendency to take someone else’s decision as an attack on our own.

That reactive, “What, you think you’re better than me?” attitude that can creep up when we see someone else doing something we kinda sorta wish we were doing. 

I bring this up because, whenever I recommend a consistent content marketing practice, I’m likely to hear, “But I don’t want to write a daily newsletter!”

When I haven’t even suggested that.

But people assume that when I say “consistent” I mean “do what I do.”

But, that’s the thing: Daily newsletters are what I do. It’s how I stay consistent, regular, and active with my content marketing. For me, it’s easier to do something every day than once or twice a week.

But for you, that might be different. Maybe you thrive on sporadic, occasional bursts of energy and you manage to get everything done that you set out to accomplish.

That’s not how I am, and I suspect that’s not how most people are, but for the sake of argument, I’ll go with it.

The thing that isn’t different about us, though, is the need for active, public promotion of our work. Nobody gets to avoid marketing altogether, as much as we might sometimes wish it.

If I’m not regularly promoting my process to my prospects, how are they supposed to find me?

If I’m not consistently building a stable of content expertise, how are they supposed to understand why my approach works?

If I’m not producing content that demonstrates my value, how is anyone supposed to see it?

You don’t have to write a daily newsletter—that’s for some people, like me, but it’s not for everyone. I get that.

But everyone does need to do something every day to promote their work to their very best prospects.

Otherwise, those prospects will find someone who is.

So, what’s your something? And when are you starting?

Kelford Inc. shows you the way to always knowing what to say. Finely crafted marketing messages for hands-on entrepreneurs.