One thing, everywhere — Kelford Labs Daily

We must make choices.

One thing, everywhere — Kelford Labs Daily

It’s impossible to be everywhere at all times. It’s impossible to be everything to everyone.

The fundamental physics of the world require tradeoffs. Require choices.

So we can’t market our business on every platform, targeting every potential customer, with every variation of message. It’s just impossible.

But how do we square that with the increasing requirement that our brand be everywhere?

As Rand Fishkin of SparkToro points out, in a world of diminishing Google search quality, there’s an increasing requirement that our brand be notable and popular across more media and channels.

We can’t rely on the old techniques of shoving some content on our website and waiting for the Google search referrals to pour in.

Now, we need to be known before they ever search.

So, if we need to be in more places, what tradeoff does that require of us?

We must focus on one particular client and on one particular message.

Our value proposition and marketing position must be clearer than ever. More specific than ever. More powerful than ever.

We must, as Trout and Ries once wrote, “burn” our way into the mind of the customer by being so clear, so focused, and so specific on them in particular.

We need to focus on one thing, one person, one idea—in all places.

That’s the future of content:

Being everywhere, with one thing.

Kelford Inc. shows you the way to always knowing what to say. Marketing positions and messages for hands-on entrepreneurs.