How to build a marketing team you trust When I work with the leaders of marketing teams, I’ll often hear that their job has slowly mutated into mere oversight.
Will it make the boat go faster? According to Benjamin Hardy and Dan Sullivan in The Gap and the Gain, the British Olympic rowing team had a simple secret to their success at the 2000 Sydney games. “They developed a one-question filtering response to every single decision they made."
How to cause the effects of marketing I’ve written before about my love of bad horror movies. In so many cases, it’s clear that the director didn’t want to make a movie. They wanted to have made a movie. And there’s a huge difference between those two desires.
Why you should celebrate every day Have you ever been stuck in the “arrival fallacy”? That’s the idea that happiness and satisfaction are one big accomplishment away.
Are you DEWing it? Your marketing needs a “do not pass go” strategy. You need an order of operations to know what to check, and in what order, to make sure you’re doing the right things.
“Tell the truth and make it interesting.” “Tell the truth and make it interesting.” — David Ogilvy Describing his own writing style as “a silk glove with a brick inside it,” Ogvily believed that the best way to make an impression was with facts and information, well stated.
Nothing ever goes as planned We don’t need to predict what’s going to happen. We just have to prepare.