Planning for things to break — Kelford Labs Daily

Preparing to change.

Planning for things to break — Kelford Labs Daily

To me, it seems like more people need to know about how the first moon landing actually happened.

Right before they touched down on the surface, Neil Armstrong realized that the pre-programmed landing site was filled with boulders “the size Volkswagens,” according to his biographer.

So at the last second he had to take over manual control and steer the lander further downrange.

Which means that one of the most meticulously planned efforts in human history was partially improvised.

Because nothing ever goes as planned.

Oh, and inside the lander, they accidentally broke the knob off of a circuit breaker and had to depress it with a pen to take off again.

This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t bother planning, but that we should plan for things to go wrong.

With enough planning, thinking, training, and practice—preparation—we can adapt when things change or mistakes are made.

So we can’t expect our year-long strategic plan to remain static and relevant for more than a few weeks.

We can’t expect our ad campaign to work on its very first launch.

We can’t expect our efforts to pay off on our first try.

Because nothing ever goes as planned.

But when we do things right—and prepare—they can still go well even when things change.

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