Reliable marketing — Kelford Labs Daily

Promises you want to keep.

Reliable marketing — Kelford Labs Daily
“Reliability in this emotional sense is the repeated experience of expectations fulfilled.”
Maister, Green, Galford — The Trusted Advisor

There’s an argument to be made that, more than anything, buyers don’t want something better—they want something guaranteed to be good.

They’re buying reliability, not perfection.

And what is reliability? It’s making promises and keeping them. It’s fulfilling expectations.

It’s going above and beyond.

So what does this have to do with marketing messages? Well, if you want to be reliable and credible—and, as a result, in demand—you have to make promises and keep them.

Which means your marketing messages need to be consistent.

You need to reinforce the same promises over and over, the ones that you deliver on most and most successfully in your work.

Instead of offering everything to everyone, we need to focus on what we do best, and what we can make the strongest credible promise about.

And then keep those promises, over and over again, better and better.

So when you’re coming up with an idea for a piece of marketing content, think about this:

“What promise can I make that I would love to keep, because I’m the best at it?”

And then write about that.

Kelford Inc. shows you the way to always knowing what to say. Marketing content and messages for hands-on entrepreneurs.