Safe or interesting? — Kelford Labs Daily

Guarantee or opportunity?

Safe or interesting? — Kelford Labs Daily

Are your ideal prospects looking for a safe option, or an interesting one?

Safe doesn’t mean uninteresting. And interesting doesn’t mean unsafe.

What I mean is, what’s your ideal prospects’ primary buying philosophy?

Do they look for a guaranteed, can’t-go-wrong option? Or do they look for something more interesting, more novel, and which might provide a greater (but non-guaranteed) upside?

There’s no good or bad option here, just more or less true of our actual prospects.

Basically, we want to know if our ideal prospects want certainty above all, or opportunity.

Because that tells us how steerable their decision making process is, and what their greatest influences will be.

If they want certainty, our messages must focus on what makes us credible. If they want novelty, our messages must focus on what makes us special.

How do you find out?

One way is to ask your current customers what other options they considered when they considered you. And you can ask them if they prioritize guaranteed outcomes or novel opportunities.

And you can adjust your messaging to suit what you find out.

Kelford Inc. helps hands-on entrepreneurs and founders with complex marketing challenges define and articulate their unique value to their very best customers.

We’ll show you the way to always knowing what to say.