Show, don’t tell — Kelford Labs Daily

By asking questions.

Show, don’t tell — Kelford Labs Daily

The very first rule of writing is “Show, don’t tell.”

And that goes for marketing content too.

It can be tempting to want to tell our prospects, our audience, our ideal customers about how smart we are, about the great work we do, about the vast experience and expertise we have.

But that doesn’t work. We have to show them.

We have to demonstrate our unique value at a distance.


One way is to ask the question that only you know to ask.

Think about it: What question do you ask your prospects or ideal customers that nobody else seems to ask?

What’s the question that, when you ask it, you see a light bulb go off in the mind of your prospect or your customer?

The next time you go to write your a blog post, newsletter, or LinkedIn video, ask that question to your audience.

As they think about it and reflect upon it, they’ll realize that you must have experience in their field—because how else would you know to ask that question in particular?

And if you're wondering, Joel, what question do you ask?

I just asked it.

Kelford Inc. shows you the way to always knowing what to say. Finely crafted marketing messages for hands-on entrepreneurs.