Take a walk to find the words — Kelford Labs Daily

That’s where inspiration is.

Take a walk to find the words — Kelford Labs Daily

Here’s something pretty non-controversial: The modern world relies on electricity.

More than that, on alternating current.

So, do you know how Nikola Tesla came to invent his AC motor?

Did he do it by staring at a blank page, scouring his brain for insight or stubbornly trying to brute force his inspiration?

No, it came as he was reciting poetry on a beach.

Tesla himself said, “As I uttered these inspiring words the idea came like a flash of lightning and in an instant the truth was revealed.”

So he grabbed a stick and drew his invention in the sand.

If such an engineering feat—a real, tangible machine—was the product of poetry and a nice walk on the beach, what does that say about our own work?

Surely our processes—the way we serve our customers, the way we come up with ideas and implement them—could benefit from that kind of inspiration?

So if you’re banging your head against your keyboard, frustrated that you can’t churn out a LinkedIn post, or rewrite your homepage copy, or figure out what the heck to say to promote your services, the thing to do might be to step away from it.

Take a walk.

Read a book.

Recite some poetry or listen to some music.

Do anything that isn’t the task at hand.

Let your mind wander and it will take you to interesting places.

Heck, you might just change the world (or at least write a great LinkedIn post).

Kelford Inc. shows you the way to always knowing what to say. Marketing positions and messages for hands-on entrepreneurs.