The less you allow, the more you do — Kelford Labs Daily
Lessons from 20 years of content.

Here are some unintuitive truths I’ve learned over the past 20 years of creating marketing content:
- Doing something every day is easier than doing something once a week.
- A rigid structure is easier to follow than a free-for-all.
- Constraints are better for creativity than expansion.
Which means:
- Marketing content gets easier when you do it more frequently.
- Marketing content gets easier when you develop a process to follow.
- Marketing content gets easier when you focus on a single concept.
We’ll tell ourselves that doing our marketing sporadically will give us the time to come up with more ideas. But, instead, we’ll find ourselves struggling to find any time at all.
We’ll tell ourselves we don’t need a process, we just need to buckle down and do the work. But, instead, we’ll end up never having the motivation to get to it.
And we’ll tell ourselves that we need the freedom to write about whatever appeals to us. But, instead, we’ll never find the right words to talk about any of it.
The secret to regularity is routine.
The secret to productivity is process.
And the secret to creativity is constraint.
So, if you want your marketing content to work, you’ve first got to work on it.
Which means carving out a little time, every single day, instead of trying to find a few hours once a week.
It means creating a process you can follow, instead of letting whims dictate what you produce.
And it means focusing down into the one thing you can be come the world’s most credible expert at in particular, instead of saying a little bit about many things.
Because, it turns out, the less you allow yourself to do, the more you’ll actually produce.
Kelford Inc. shows experts the way to always knowing what to say.