The rewards of public attention — Kelford Labs Daily

Publicity feels bad.

The rewards of public attention — Kelford Labs Daily

I’ve written a lot about putting your messages out there lately.

And I think I’ve accidentally made it sound easy. Or made it sound like I think it’s easy.

But it’s not: Exposing yourself to public feedback and criticism—even rejection—is hard, and most people would never do it willingly.

And yet that’s the cost of doing business.

So what’s the secret to putting messages out into the world anyway, despite the fear, anxiety, and stress?

Celebrating. Every. Step.

I’m serious. Give yourself a dang treat or take a moment to write down the accomplishment. It’s not childish, immature, or unprofessional to reward yourself for doing something uncomfortable or scary.

I’m the younger of two siblings. In many ways, getting attention is what I was born to do. And even I find it terrifying and stressful, sometimes.

But the secret is to acknowledge the fear and do it anyway. And then give yourself a high-five, a tasty treat, or a record in your journal.

People who think you should just push yourself and rely on willpower have no idea what they’re talking about, and probably have no experience doing what you’re trying to do.

But I’ve done what you’re trying to do a lot. I’ve written publicly for decades, I’ve spoken on stage in front of thousands, and I’ve been on live broadcasts. I’ve given impromptu speeches at global conferences, and I’ve represented businesses on tradeshow floors and hotel ballrooms all over the world, in places like London, Buenos Aires, Madrid, Salt Lake City, and Dallas.

And I’ve been positively sick with stress before and during most of those events.

But I write down what I’m feeling before the event, and then I write down how I’m feeling after, so I can see the difference and note the elation that follows the activity. Then, I reward myself with relaxing activities or fancy snacks or just earnest self-praise.

And I think you should, too. Because, the thing is, it’s always hard to seek out the attention of others.

It’s always hard to expose yourself to criticism and rejection.

But the rewards make it worth it. It’s just, sometimes, you’ve got to provide the reward while you’re waiting for the market to provide its.

So, don’t worry that you find it stressful. That part’s normal.

Just make celebrating every step normal, too.

And you’ll find yourself doing more and more activities that get you the rewards you’re looking for.

Kelford Inc. shows you the way to always knowing what to say. Marketing positions and messages for hands-on entrepreneurs.