What we pay attention to — Kelford Labs Daily
Are the things we care about.
Earlier this week we had some repairs done to our house.
Attempting to work while the house shook with machinery, I noticed something:
Even though my active attention was elsewhere, I was always extremely attuned to the sound of my own name.
Occupied with other thoughts, focused on other tasks, if I heard my name being called from floors away—over the din of drills and saws—I immediately took note.
Because no matter how much noise there might be, or how many distractions we might be overwhelmed with, we pay attention when we’re spoken to directly.
And doesn’t that say everything we need to know about marketing?
Our audience—our prospects—are surrounded by other noises, other distractions, other marketing than ours.
We can’t assume they’re going to notice our messages just because we want them to.
They’ll only notice if they’re addressed directly.
They’ll only notice if we speak to them about their particular needs. Their particular preferences. In the places they’re most likely to be.
Because the world we operate in is full of noise.
So if we want to be noticed, we need to speak directly to the people we can help the most.
Kelford Inc. shows you the way to always knowing what to say. Marketing positions and messages for hands-on entrepreneurs.