Where your position starts — Kelford Labs Daily

The choices you’ve made.

Where your position starts — Kelford Labs Daily
“The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do. Without trade-offs, there would be no need for choice and thus no need for strategy.”

— Michael E. Porter, What is Strategy?

Not sure what sets you apart and what your position in the market should be?

Let me ask you this:

What do you not do that everyone else in your industry does?

What have you chosen to avoid so you can focus where it really matters? What has your experience taught you about the best way of doing things?

Your process, in many ways, is your position.

Why you do what you do informs how you do what you do. The values you hold determine the tradeoffs you’ll make.

So do this:

Articulate why you’ve chosen to make the tradeoffs you have. Why you don’t do something that everyone else does.

Write down how that lets you overdeliver value to your very best clients—the ones who value the same things you do and who will especially desire the specific tradeoffs you’ve made.

And now you’ve got the very beginnings of your position.

Now you know how to begin standing out:

By promoting the extra value you deliver by not doing what everyone else does.

Kelford Inc. shows you the way to always knowing what to say. Finely crafted marketing positions—and the messages to make them work—for hands-on entrepreneurs.