Marketing when there’s better stuff to do — Kelford Labs Daily

Busy season marketing.

Marketing when there’s better stuff to do — Kelford Labs Daily

Did you catch yesterday’s Kelford Labs Weekly? It was all about the secrets to content performance on LinkedIn. You can check it out here.

October’s here and, for many entrepreneurs, the busy season is upon us in earnest.

Which means the marketing season is in danger of ending.

Once we get busy with real, actual “work,” marketing tends to take a back seat, doesn’t it?

But here’s the problem: For most B2B service providers, there’s basically nothing you can do today to get a new client tomorrow. Nothing, at least, that won’t take significant monetary or reputational sacrifice.

But there is a lot you can do today to get a client a few weeks or months from now.

Marketing is a long game. One won by consistency and steady, sustainable activity. Not by fits and starts.

Herky jerky marketing feels bad and works worse. So the trick is to keep going, even when the going gets tough, or busy.

How? By making it easy on yourself. By giving yourself a few tiny things you can do everyday to keep the momentum.

Me? I might not be posting quite as many videos on LinkedIn as I have been, but I’ll definitely be doing these newsletters. I’m going to keep producing new ideas and sharing them with entrepreneurs and founders like you who want to know what to say, and how to say it.

So, what can you be doing, a little bit, every single day to keep yourself on the radar and in the mind of your ideal customers?

What can you do even when you’re inundated with other work?

Better yet, what are you already doing in your business that you just need to do publicly, so your ideal audience can experience your credibility, insight, and experience?

Could you document your work process in a series of blog posts?

Could you film a few quick, 60-second videos talking about what you’ve learned about your clients’ industry lately?

Could you fire up ChatGPT’s voice mode and have it interview you about your business, your philosophy, and your expertise and turn that into a series of LinkedIn posts?

The important thing is to keep going, keep growing, and keep marketing even when you’ve got “better” things to do.

So that, when the slow reason comes back around, it isn’t.

Kelford Inc. shows you the way to always knowing what to say. Marketing positions and messages for hands-on entrepreneurs.