Marketing’s job — Kelford Labs Daily

No magic, just habits.

Marketing’s job — Kelford Labs Daily

Marketing’s job isn’t to turn the ship around, save a flailing effort, or make up for past mistakes.

When we see it that way—as some type of silver bullet—we get disillusioned and disappointed.

Because marketing isn’t a cure-all, or a savior. It’s just demonstrating value at a distance.

All it can do for us is make us slightly better, each and every day, at demonstrating our value to the people who’ll value it most.

If the value is off, the marketing won’t help. If the distance is unclear, the marketing will miss the target. And if the marketing isn’t demonstrating, our prospects won’t understand it.

The key to long-term marketing success is approaching it as a long-term project—a habit we need to form, not a tactic we need to implement.

It’s a way of working, a way of conducting our business, wherein every decision we make considers how our customers will perceive it—considers what, in fact, we’re demonstrating to them.

If we want marketing to improve our business’s outcomes, we need three things:

1) A process that’s built around what our best customers value most

2) An intimate understanding of who those best customers are

3) The ability to demonstrate the tradeoffs we’ve made to serve them in particular

The job of marketing isn’t to manifest miracles. It’s to get slightly better, every single day, at demonstrating our value.

No magic, just habits.

Kelford Inc. helps hands-on entrepreneurs and founders with complex marketing challenges define and articulate their unique value to their very best customers.

We’ll show you the way to always knowing what to say.