Commentary: Always Know What to Say Welcome to the background commentary and recommended reading for the “Always Know What to Say” mental model and the “Making Marketing Messages” framework exercise.
Framework: Marketing Message Maker Today, we’re going to combine a little bit of science with a little bit of art to help you figure out what to say when you’re asked what you do.
Model: Always Know What to Say All the social media posts, paid ads, press releases, and website redesigns in the world won’t get you profitable customers if you’re not talking to the right person, about the right thing, in the right way, at the right time, in the right place.
Video: Small Actions, Big Planner If you're a subscriber to Joel's "The Strategy You Want" newsletter, don't worry, you're still in the right place. The Family Knife is now Kelford Inc. And The Strategy You Want is now Kelford Labs. Read about the change here.
The Family Knife is now Kelford Inc. For the past five and a half years we've been The Family Knife. But we've also been something else. It's something one of our favourite clients told us this summer: "You're not The Family Knife," she said, temporarily breaking our
Exercise: Small Actions Big Planner This exercise will help you break big projects into simple tasks that you’ll want to do, instead of overwhelming ourselves into procrastination.
Concepts and Quotes: One Big Day Last week was a fairly short piece on the “One Big Day” problem, with no quotes or external references. Today, here’s a dive into some of the ideas, models, and quotes that informed my thinking.